Fingerbend is an ambient novel about an insomniac journalist who has arrived at a small coastal town “to do a story” on the work and disappearance of a web artist who once had a cult following. Like the subject of his research, the journalist can leave nothing outside the narrative. The semiotic surface is made of notes, blog entries, mobile photos, web remixes, videos, loops, spam, search queries, and draft sketches of screenplays and novels. As the data piles up, and as he drifts in and out of consciousness, he finds he can no longer separate his own memories from his research. Is the artist a woman he once knew? Why is the town so familiar? Who is the “producer” that keeps sending messages? He can’t remember. The work explores the liminal state of late night web surfing as a current condition of culture and subjectivity, and at the same time experiments freely with the liminality of the multimedia book as a commingling of genres and forms.
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