Natalia Fedorova (US)

en Other Devices

Natalia Fedorova is a new media artist, writer, literary scholar and translator. Natalia holds a PhD in literary theory from Herzen State University (St-Petersburg). She is an author of publications on avant-garde poetry, kinetic poetry, concrete poetry, hyperfiction, literary text generators and video poetry, as well as a curator and creator of VIDEO.txt, videopoetry festival in St- Petersburg. During 2011 – 2012 Natalia was a Fulbright postdoctoral researcher at the Trope Tank, MIT. Natalia is an author of hyperfiction piece with multiple endings «7», and an interactive novel «Madame Ebaressa and a Butterfly», cowritten with Sergeij Kitov, and a number of short prose fragments. In collaboration with Taras Mashtalir she founded Machine Libertine, a  media poetry project («Snow Queen», «In Your Voice», «Machine Poetry Manifesto», «Whoever You Are», «Light Duty», «Memory»). Currently Natalia is a SPIRE postdoctorate researcher with the ELMCIP group at the University of Bergen (Norway) and an editor of e-lit  and new media writing column in Rattapallax magazine (NY).

La galerie a fait l'objet d'une sélection par un comité artistique dans le cadre d'un appel à propositions pour la manifestation Chercher le texte.
The gallery has been selected by an artistic committee in the context of a call for proposals for the Locating the text Festival.

label-arts-H2H BnF EnsAD Le Cube Culture-Communication Mots-voir Coalition Cyborg EA-1569 ELO BPI
Flammarion Actialuna DDDL Laboratoire Paragraphe CNC MIM Investissements d'avenir konstnarsnamnden