Jakub Niedziela (Poland)

Visual artist whose works blur the borders between the text and image and are inspired by the physical embodiment of both. His favourite techniques rely on mixing the traditional with the digital, which results with collages where oil painting and computer graphics merge on a single painting space. His paintings has been recently published by “Bleed” magazine, Serbian magazine “Akt” and in anthology The Art of collage Yearbook 2010-2011. Professionally Jakub Niedziela designs book covers, creates illustrations and calligraphies.

La galerie a fait l'objet d'une sélection par un comité artistique dans le cadre d'un appel à propositions pour la manifestation Chercher le texte.
The gallery has been selected by an artistic committee in the context of a call for proposals for the Locating the text Festival.

label-arts-H2H BnF EnsAD Le Cube Culture-Communication Mots-voir Coalition Cyborg EA-1569 ELO BPI
Flammarion Actialuna DDDL Laboratoire Paragraphe CNC MIM Investissements d'avenir konstnarsnamnden